Friday, January 23, 2009


Can you believe it? We don't really think about it, but a few hundred years ago, slavery was LEGAL in Canada! Here's how Chloe Cooley contributed to helping end slavery in Canada.
Here is my project on Chloe Cooley, she was a slave in 1793.
On March 14 1793, Chloe Cooley's owner took her and tried to sell Chloe to a new owner in New York in the United States, against her will, and she protested against it. Peter Martin, a black veteran told Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe about her screaming and violent protesting, also William Grisley, who was a neighbor had seen and witnessed more of it, so he told Simcoe about it.That led Simcoe to make the July 1793 Act to Limit Slavery in Upper Canada, to completely get rid of slavery. Slavery in Canada wasn't over until 1834, so it did take some work before the slavery was completely done in Canada. After that, Canada became a place for slaves who were trying to get away from America. About 30 000 slaves traveled there until slavery was finally over in 1865. Chloe Cooley was a big contribute to ending slavery in Canada, and her name will always go along with the Act to Limit Slavery.

If you would like to see what my assignment was go to Mrs. Pollock's site

Here are the sites I got my information from :
ontario paques**



Sabrina H said...

Hey chongo! I really like your blog and you put alot of great information into it! I also like your backround and picture!

Mariam Mo said...

HEY CHONGO love your blog

Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Chongo,

Great job. I can tell you did a lot of research and you managed to explain exactly why this person was so significant to Canadian history.

Congratulations - you are currently on the top 20 list.

The only thing I would do to make your entry even better is to start with a question, like, "Did you know it was once legal to own slaves in Canada?"

Shauna Pollock said...


Talinho M said...

i never really knew or if i did never paid attention to the fact that slavery was once legal in CANADA!

but it's always good to learn something new. It also shows how canada improved as a country from back then

Good job Chongo
